Sunday, May 2, 2010

Review | Fade Out by Rachel Caine

Title: Fade Out
Author: Rachel Caine
Publisher: Signet
Pages: 237
Rating: 4/5

Without the evil vampire Bishop ruling over the town of Morganville, the resident vampires have made major concessions to the human population. With their newfound freedoms, Claire Danvers and her friends are almost starting to feel comfortable again...

Now Claire can actually concentrate on her studies, and her friend Eve joins the local theatre company. But when one of Eve's castmates goes missing after starting work on a short documentary, Eve suspects the worst. Claire and Eve soon realize that this film project, whose subject is the vampires themselves, is a whole lot bigger-and way more dangerous-than anyone suspected.
*There are no spoilers in this review*
Fade Out is another awesome book in the Morganville Vampire series. The group have always been my favorite since the first book. The closeness that each of them have towards each other is completely realistic and funny as ever. As with the second set of characters (you know who I'm talking about) they were all still allies in a sense, but necessarily couldn't trust. I admit that this one in the series started out a little slow, but proved to be filled with action towards the middle and the end. I love how the author can have a ton of novels in a series and each one be completely different but alike. As usual, I loved this one as the others and I'm looking forward to Kiss of Death which is in my to read pile! Look out for that review.

Favorite part/line:
"I like a good bunny slipper. I'm surprised you didn't get the ones with fangs," she said, and scanned the room. "Wow the place looks fantastic."

Myrnin's eyes brightened. "They have some with fangs? Excellent."
-Claire & Myrnin pg. 10

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, I'm your 100th follower! Congrats :)
    I love the Morganville Series and can't wait for Kiss of Death to arrive. Looking forward to your review of it!


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