Thursday, September 17, 2009

Review: The Sky Always Hears Me... By Kirstin Cronn-Mills

Title: The Sky Always Hears Me
Author: Kirstin Cronn-Mills
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
Pages: 281
Rating: 3/5

I borrow the car again from Grandma and drive out to my hill. I scream I AM A BIG FAT ZERO, plus I AM SWEARING OFF KISSING FOREVER, and I HATE BEING A SECRET SEX FIEND, about sixteen times each. Then I sit very still and watch a hawk swirl over the fields. I have to get a new life before I go crazy.

Sixteen-year-old Morgan lives in a hick town. Her mom was killed in a car accident when she was two, her dad drinks, and her stepmom is a non-entity. Her boyfriend Derek is boring and she can't stop staring at her coworker Rob's cute butt. Then there's the kiss she shared with her neighbor Tessa . . . But when Morgan discovers a devastating secret about the one person she completely trusted, her entire world crashes and she must redefine her life and herself.

My thoughts:

Morgan has a boyfriend, but doesn't really like him. Her coworker, Rob, is sexy and she can't help herself from liking him and his arse. Then there's this girl, whose rumored to be gay, and she might have an attaction towards her. She tries to figure out who she is as a person as well.

Morgan was a strong willed girl, desperately wanting to get out of her small town. She wants to spread her wings, but she's a little queer. She writes fortunes, and posts them anyone. That quirk is weird, and I like when characters have there own quirks. It adds to that character. The grandma's secret wasn't what I was suspected, and it didn't seem quite lets say, humanly maybe? Oh well.

I'm unsure about this book. I have nothing against gays, or bisexual, but the plot and writing were wired to be annoying. The page splits were fortune cookies, rather than chapter one, etc., etc., etc. I can't really say I liked that type of break. The writing was okay, and I loved it sometimes. The plot was okay, but I wasn't paying attention really.

Overall, this book was okay, but didn't impress me. And I never really caught what the story was really about. But you might like it, or not. Go and read to find out [:I thought this was a novel, but it's a narrative. That could be the reason I didn't understand it or something. Oh well.

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