School has started, and it takes up half my day. Five hours worth, really because I'm homeschooled online. But I have a language, and I must study, study, and study some more. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop working with this blog. It's my baby, so I can't do that xD
I will continue reading and posting reviews as well as the usual memes. I want to hold a contest, two great books that I think you'll love, but I only have thirteen followers- and I'm not making it easy like that xD So, any suggestions for getting followers and hosting a contest? Post comments with that!
I am currently reading three, yes three, books. I'm really lagging, and I have about six more to go. Usually, I'm quite a fast reader, but since I started The Lovely Bones- I don't know what's happened. Maybe it's just not my genere.
Oh well.
That's all I have right now for this update. Please post any tips about contests below, I really want to hold one, but I don't quite know how. Thanks! Oh, and please tell me how to use quotes? As you can see from the previous post, I tried horribly. Welp, I'm off to study more French, or check out other blogs. Isn't the picture cute? Au revoir!